I’m Hidetatz, a software and AI enthusiast. I’m currently developing whale, a deep learning framework inspired by PyTorch but entirely written in Go. Currently AI technology is for researchers rathar than for developers. As building AI into the systems becomes common, it must be changed. Building AI model must be more diverse, and that’s why I develop whale.

See some other open source software authored by me:

shiba is a programming language which is plain like Python, but modern like Go or Rust. Python is great, but some parts (e.g. package manager, code formatting) must be updated and that’s why I create shiba.

kubecolor is a CLI tool which colorizes the kubectl output for readability. It’s archived because I am not using Kubernetes for my work. I’ll restart maitaining it if I have to run some containers on Kubernetes again (though I don’t hope so). You can use the community fork if wanted.

This is an incrementally developed RDBMS from scratch. This is work-in-progress project.

RISC-V software emulator. WIP.

Visit my GitHub and X for more information.

Atom/RSS feed.


2021/11/19 - How Amazon MemoryDB for Redis guarantees the data durability
2021/04/13 - What’s the “sync.Cond”
2021/04/07 - Mutex starvation in Go
2021/03/29 - Preemption in Go
2021/01/07 - How InnoDB writes data on the disk
2020/10/18 - Colorize kubectl output by kubecolor
2020/04/28 - How to get along with SLO and Error budget
2019/12/29 - Let’s study distributed systems — 4. Leader election
2019/12/23 - Let’s study distributed systems — 3. Distributed snapshots
2019/11/07 - Let’s study distributed systems — 2. Clock
2019/11/04 - Let’s study distributed systems - 1. Introduction

Some articles are available in Japanese also.

2023/08/31 - 今働いているTuringという会社の話
2023/01/02 - なるべくプラグインを使わずにどうvimでプログラミングしているか
2022/06/12 - Goのメモリモデルのアップデート
2022/03/25 - 私が考える良いプログラムの書き方
2022/02/14 - メモリモデルとはなにか
2021/11/19 - Amazon MemoryDB for Redisはどのように耐久性を保証しているか
2021/04/23 - 秘匿情報をメモリ上でどう扱うか
2021/04/12 - sync.Condとはなにか
2021/04/06 - Goにおけるミューテックスのスタベーション
2021/03/28 - Goroutineのプリエンプション
2020/10/14 - kubecolorでkubectlの出力に色を付ける

Other writings

© 2024 Hidetatz Yaginuma. Unless otherwise noted, these posts are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution License.